Questions & answers
India Child Care is represented by the initiator Sumanth Haußmann. In addition, by the future management, which will be appointed in the course of the new foundation as a registered association, registered cooperative or non-profit GmbH. All activities up to the foundation of the society are carried out as private person(s).
Until the re-establishment as a registered society, India Child Care accepts donations under the bank details below. If you would also like to get involved through personal opportunities or individual commitment, please feel free to contact us via the contact form or by phone.
Donation account
Account holder: Sumanth Haussmann
Reference: ICC India
Banking institution: Deutsche Bank
IBAN: DE57 2907 0024 0203 7505 00
Donation account
Account holder: Sumanth Haussmann
Reference: ICC India
Banking institution: Deutsche Bank
IBAN: DE57 2907 0024 0203 7505 00
Yes. Donation receipts can be issued for all donations received after the corresponding, formal organisation formation has been completed, provided that the legally prescribed minimum amount (for issuing a donation receipt) of 200.00 euros is reached.
Members can access free content and future ICC offers at reduced rates via their own account. In addition, as a member you will get more insight into planned projects and opportunities to contribute. On this website, we plan to set up a members' area that will also allow you to join and manage your membership.
In future, our free newsletter will be sent out once a quarter and will keep you up to date. Members will be able to access further information via an internal area.
Yes. It is planned to enable direct sponsorships in the future so that children can be supported specifically as well as individually and accompanied permanently.
Yes. In order to be able to assist beyond financial and in-kind donations, we work with various institutions and partners in the fields of law and social services in India and Germany. More information on this will follow.
Here you can view and download the statutes of the association, a fillable membership form as well as the notice of exemption, which was granted due to the given non-profit status. Your donations and membership fees are tax deductible. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- View PDF: Statues of the association
- View PDF: Tax exemption certificate of the association
- View PDF: Certificate of registration in the register of associations
- View PDF: Fillable membership form
The experiences from my previous consulting work for private individuals and various companies have played a significant role in the development of flowmapping. The flowmapping method is a toolbox that helps to look at issues and challenges in a new way and to solve them differently than before. In addition to its application in personal or corporate settings, a special section is being developed for the needs of India Child Care.
The resources and materials, which will be published and offered online via a separate website and web app, will improve direct dialogue with affected families and involved agencies. Externally, the mobilisation of various actors as well as the establishment and expansion of a network of helpers and infrastructure is also being organised. Locally, but also virtually, outside India. Organisations like India Child Care are confronted with two core challenges on a daily basis: The continuous mobilisation of supporters and the reduction of concerns on the part of affected families and involved agencies. Through innovative technology, the flowmapping web app can optimise interactive recruitment of new members and supporters in the future and provide a valuable part of external communication at various points. Above all, however, a tool is offered to those involved at the counselling level with which those affected can be accompanied in a targeted manner and cared for according to their needs.
The resources and materials, which will be published and offered online via a separate website and web app, will improve direct dialogue with affected families and involved agencies. Externally, the mobilisation of various actors as well as the establishment and expansion of a network of helpers and infrastructure is also being organised. Locally, but also virtually, outside India. Organisations like India Child Care are confronted with two core challenges on a daily basis: The continuous mobilisation of supporters and the reduction of concerns on the part of affected families and involved agencies. Through innovative technology, the flowmapping web app can optimise interactive recruitment of new members and supporters in the future and provide a valuable part of external communication at various points. Above all, however, a tool is offered to those involved at the counselling level with which those affected can be accompanied in a targeted manner and cared for according to their needs.
If we have not answered your question(s) here, please feel free to contact us by email using the contact form or by phone on 04264-8375964.
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Ja. (Hinweis: Ausgangs- und Basisstruktur steht). Über Hilfe und Hilfsangebote im Sinne von administrativer, kreativer oder organisatorischer Unterstützung freuen wir uns immer und versuchen diese so effizient wie möglich für alle zu gestalten. Wir sehen den Auf- und Ausbau von ICC als lebendigen, dynamischen Prozess, der sich stetig verbessern kann und auch sollte. Mit viel Raum für Weiterentwicklung, Kooperation und Potential. Selbstverständlich sind wir auch permanent auf finanzielle Unterstützung zur Förderung bestehender und neuer Projekte angewiesen. Ggfls. gerne nachfragen: Link Support Sheet und Kontaktformular
Warum sammelt und spendet Ihr nicht einfach (nur)?
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Ist India Child Care ein gemeinnütziger Verein?
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Erhalte ich eine Spendenquittung (Lösung Infrastruktur- Hybrid- Spenden“)
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( Nicht finanzielle Spenden / DL / Service/ Zeit > Kontakt) ( mit Spendenquittung )
Was kostet eine Mitgliedschaft und welche Vorteile bringt sie?
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Wie kann ich auch spenden, ohne Mitglied zu werden?
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Auf welche Arten kann ich mich einbringen?
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Wie stellt Ihr die Einhaltung rechtlicher und behördlichen
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Wie können wir als Unternehmen oder NGO/ NPO helfen?
Ja …
Ja. (Hinweis: Ausgangs- und Basisstruktur steht). Über Hilfe und Hilfsangebote im Sinne von administrativer, kreativer oder organisatorischer Unterstützung freuen wir uns immer und versuchen diese so effizient wie möglich für alle zu gestalten. Wir sehen den Auf- und Ausbau von ICC als lebendigen, dynamischen Prozess, der sich stetig verbessern kann und auch sollte. Mit viel Raum für Weiterentwicklung, Kooperation und Potential. Selbstverständlich sind wir auch permanent auf finanzielle Unterstützung zur Förderung bestehender und neuer Projekte angewiesen. Ggfls. gerne nachfragen: Link Support Sheet und Kontaktformular
Warum sammelt und spendet Ihr nicht einfach (nur)?
- Weil es auch um jene geht, die nirgends auf der Liste stehen und bei denen nichts ankommt.
- Und weil es wichtig ist, dass die Organisation unmittelbar Einfluss nehmen und bis zur letzen Person sehen kann, was wann wo passiert ( ist ).
- Eigene Historie (Kreis schließt sich)
Ja …
Ist India Child Care ein gemeinnütziger Verein?
Ja …
Erhalte ich eine Spendenquittung (Lösung Infrastruktur- Hybrid- Spenden“)
Ja …
( Nicht finanzielle Spenden / DL / Service/ Zeit > Kontakt) ( mit Spendenquittung )
Was kostet eine Mitgliedschaft und welche Vorteile bringt sie?
Ja …
Wie kann ich auch spenden, ohne Mitglied zu werden?
Ja …
Auf welche Arten kann ich mich einbringen?
Ja …
Wie stellt Ihr die Einhaltung rechtlicher und behördlichen
Ja …
Wie können wir als Unternehmen oder NGO/ NPO helfen?
Ja …